Pastor Tim and I are in our second week as pastors of the Hagerstown Church of the Brethren. Obviously we have a lot to learn and get acclimated to. I think one thing we can say so far is that we have come to a church full of loving and gracious people.
We've decided to start up a blog and since I am the writer of this harmonized ministry team, I get to up-keep it! I will be making occasional blog posts about scripture reflections, ministry reflections and the like. First though, I thought I would explain my blog title. My initials are ANH-D. When Tim and I got married we hyphenated our last name making us the H-D's. We've played with the idea that we are in "high definition" ever since. So we'll see what it means now that I am a high definition pastor...
I am looking forward to this journey and challenge.
Since we are going through Philippians until the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference July 2-6, I'll end this first post with a selection from Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice... The Lord is near." Philippians 4:4
I don't know if this book is anything like you guys, but it fits!